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Wine Lover? Try These Fruity Wines!

Posted by Gwen Watson on Nov 3, 2014

Wine Lover? Try These Fruity Wines!

When it comes to wine, it's no longer as simple as white or red. Winemakers have branched out beyond grapes and have started producing wine made from many other fruits. Across the country, farms and orchards that have long been known for their excellent fruit production are starting to get into the wine distribution game as well. And why not? These fruit wines are DELICIOUS. If you haven't yet strayed from the grape, we've listed our favorite fruit wines below for you to try. We promise that you won't be disappointed!

Strawberry wine

No we're not talking about the 1996 hit song by Deana Carter. We're talking about the deliciously refreshing variety of wine! (Although feel free to blast the tune as you sip on it!) Perfect on a hot summer day, it is dry, crisp, and similar to a glass of rosé. It makes an excellent addition to a summer sangria recipe.

Apple wine

If strawberry wine is for summer, apple wine is for fall. Maybe a treat after an afternoon of raking leaves? Apple wine can taste very different depending on the type of apple or combination of apples used to make the wine. Some apples are more aromatic, like Golden Delicious, McIntosh, and Red Delicious while others are more acidic, like Jonathan and Winesap. Some apple wines will be named for the apple they are made from.

Blueberry wine

Because of its dark color, blueberry wine can easily be mistaken for your typical red wine. In fact, they even taste somewhat similar. But don't be fooled! Opt for the blueberry variety for its health benefits. Blueberries are low in sugar and high in antioxidants that boost up your immune system and prevent infections. Who ever said wine wasn't good for you?

Cranberry wine

Cranberry wine may have a slight acidic flavor, but it's balanced out by a delicate sweetness. If you ever turn to cranberry juice for urinary tract problems, cranberry wine can be a fun alternative. It still contains the cranberries that help avoid infection! If you tend to stay away from wine because it gives you a headache, cranberry wine might be for you. According to, cranberry wine contains nearly 99% less headache-inducing histamine than red wines.

Pineapple wine

Not surprisingly, pineapple wine is popular in Hawaii but winemakers across the country that have access to pineapples have started making it. If you like pineapples and pineapple juice, you're going to like pineapple wine. It makes a great base for tropical fruit cocktails.

Peach wine

If you love peaches, there's nothing quite like biting into a perfectly fresh, ripe peach. A close second would have to be taking a sip of delicious peach wine. A very light wine, it pairs well with cheese and crackers and desserts. It’s also great to use when making fuzzy navels!

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